We watched this little white building on the corner of 9th and 1st – just a block from Lowe Mill undergo a transformation from something that looked like an old shop of some kind into a cool new coffee house. Every week I’d drive past and we would try and guess what it was going to become. Finally the signs went up and the intrigue was over…but not the anticipation.

It has a very comfortable, retro style, and is geared (see what I did there?) to bicyclists. I say that because there are bikes hanging on the wall, which incredibly, I did not take a photo of.
I love the “stir sticks.’ and the assortment of cacti and succulents.
(oh, look, a corner of a handle of a bike. Maybe I won’t fire myself, after all).

They have nice looking van that goes to events around town…so keep that in mind if you’re planning something that requires coffee! Which is excellent, by the way. I got my usual Americano with Carmel syrup.
Here is a link to their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/goldsprinthsv/