My Discovery Day happened at Sharon Johnson Park in New Market. We have been there many times over the years for one reason or another, since we live out in that general direction. I don’t know when this happened, but a little old fashioned “settlement” has been added; it must be fairly recently as it is not on their website yet.
I imagine they have events where all the buildings are open. They were all padlocked closed but I peeked in the windows. There was not much inside so maybe they do demos or have people in costume…that’s what I would hope to see anyway. The grounds themselves are beautiful, and big; over 250 acres and includes a pool, pavilions, a soccer field, shooting range (away from everything else :)) and a campground. It was a lovely day to be outside.
That’s Sassie, not an opossum. or possum…whatever.
There were also lots of rusty old machines around….I captured some of those images on my Inspiration page. (You know I can’t resist a good piece of rust. ha!)